H o m e Duncan McCanlis
Hello, This website introduces you to what I do and to some thoughts on the world. WEBSITE WORDING I offer a service writing website text. My aim is to make them:
For further details please see WEBSITE WORDING. POLITICS & GOVERNANCE There will be musings on politics & governance here - especially now (from May 8th 2015) we have five years of status quo in government, facing us all.Are politicians governing us as we would like them to? No. That's how many see it - but what to do? WRITINGS This section will be added to regularly. Poems and Song lyrics to start with - I'll add more stuff. Response would be great - please go to the CONTACT page. Thanks, Duncan |
LATEST So - Jeremy Corbyn is elected as leader of the Labour Party. This will open up debate on many much-needed social changes, but keep in mind that Labour do not have an ecological foundation stone: their major flaw. To survive and thrive we must do so as part of Nature.
Photo: Eric McCanlis