P o l i t i c s & G o v e r n a n c e Duncan McCanlis
LATEST - David Cameron's 'major' speech on extremism -
might have read like this... if he was addressing the real generational issues...
might have read like this... if he was addressing the real generational issues...
Meanwhile -
Governing the country might be viewed in broadly the same way we might run a business, or our own life:
Nobody can have all the answers; we should therefore acknowledge that the way we run politics & economics is not working and a different approach must be tried, urgently.
So how might it be? We could:
1 Set the Aims
This first step divides into two approaches:
These are the principles we strive to live by. When we're faced with difficult questions, we only need to ask ourselves whether the actions we are considering, take account of our vision & values - such as:
The following pages will eventually deal with these matters and pose some possible Alternative Approaches.
Governing the country might be viewed in broadly the same way we might run a business, or our own life:
- Agree on the aims.
- Outline strategies to achieve those aims.
- Implement tactical actions that support the strategies.
Nobody can have all the answers; we should therefore acknowledge that the way we run politics & economics is not working and a different approach must be tried, urgently.
So how might it be? We could:
1 Set the Aims
This first step divides into two approaches:
- Set out our values – the positive vision we have for the future.
- Identify the threats we face – the matters requiring our urgent attention.
These are the principles we strive to live by. When we're faced with difficult questions, we only need to ask ourselves whether the actions we are considering, take account of our vision & values - such as:
- Recognise that we are a part of nature.
- Create a society that tends to manage itself, sustainably.
- Maintain or enhance diversity.
- Ensure that the scale of things is taken into account.
- That I - practice gratitude, show kindness & respect and strive for wisdom. (An Avaaz campaign)
- Unprecedented loss of species diversity across the globe.
- Unprecedented dominance of planet Earth by one species – human beings.
- Climate change.
- Pouring of poisons on the land, sea and air.
- Widening social inequality.
- Corrupt and unfit political systems.
- A destructive economic paradigm that dominates society and externalises real costs.
The following pages will eventually deal with these matters and pose some possible Alternative Approaches.